jallerton, on 2012-January-29, 05:03, said:
Probably because she has an 11-count with 5-card club support when according to a "strong Canadian player" her previous auction is consistent with "14-15 with 3 clubs or 16-17 with 2 clubs"
I don't think that a super-accept can be made with 2 or 3 card support. Anyway I would never do it.
Trinidad, on 2012-January-29, 05:20, said:
2) But no, you appealed. You weren't thinking this case over. You weren't thinking whether the TD had a point. You didn't realize that it is difficult to make the ethical decision when you have UI and that it is inevitable that you sometimes get it wrong. You appealed because you were sure you were right. (There is a nice new book on the market in The Netherlands with the (translated) title "Beware of people who are sure".)
I appealed? You are obviously either misinformed or have no idea and are just making things up. Try to get the facts right if you want to participate in a thread.
And now you want the mods to lock the thread because things are getting out of hand?
Yes, I took offence, and rightly so, against being accused of fielding a misbid. The accuser then said that he was just saying that it was something the AC should always consider, fair enough. And then classified it as amber...
jallerton, on 2012-January-29, 05:26, said:
Personally, I consider 3♣ to be a serious underbid (as I think was mentioned in one of the other threads, 3♣ is more like a single raise, as 2♣ is just a transfer completion which could be a 5=4=3=1 12-count for example). I would clasify North's 3♣ as "amber" (so no adjustment).
I certainly would not complete the transfer with the example hand; I would bid 2
♥, the same as I would if partner had bid 2
♣. Neither of us even thought that a simple transfer completion would be forcing. Also I thought that partner could still have quite a good hand with stoppers in the reds, so going past 3NT would be a bad idea. I object quite strongly to your opinion of "amber"; I at least, had no UI at all, nor had I ever had a hand that I considered a super-accept, nor had partner, in the short time we have been playing transfers, ever forgotten the methods. Why do you persist in saying offensive things?
FrancesHinden, on 2012-January-29, 05:46, said:
Given that you
(i) sent me a PM soliciting more information
(ii) I told you that the AC considered double, but thought that North would always pull it
I find it odd that you repeat that the AC 'did not consider' double. Perhaps you think instead I'd bother making this up after the fact?
You might disagree with the judgement about North's likelihood of passing it, certainly any such decision is subjective and debatable.
Yes, sorry. You did tell me that. I felt, rightly or wrongly, that I had shown my hand and that I would have left the double in; I meant really that I am surprised that the AC thought that this was so unlikely with my aces and doubleton heart.
Trinidad, on 2012-January-29, 06:54, said:
When it comes to misjudgements that do have ethical implications, I would most certainly keep quiet.
That is your right. We, on the other hand, do not have anything to hide.
I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones -- Albert Einstein