campboy, on 2012-January-28, 12:39, said:
If A and B are LAs to pass but A is demonstrably suggested over B then it would also be illegal so the adjusted score would be based on B being selected. If neither A nor B is demonstrably suggested over the other (or any other LA there may be) then you may give a weighted score based on each being selected some of the time.
Indeed. I considered that double was suggested over pass (partner is likely to have fewer clubs in the unauthorised auction), as did Dburn who would have bid 4S! I thought that he was being flippant, but one never knows with David, as one has seen with claim rulings! I agree with others that double, if allowed, is automatic (you have an ace, three trumps, and only five cards in partner's suits) but it scores better, therefore the result stands. One of the AC thought North would remove the double of 3H, because she has a singleton heart (sic). Presumably that AC member did not notice the AK, A and singleton diamond either.
The TD indicated on the appeal form the results of his poll which was that "it was unclear whether [further] action by South constituted a logical alternative to passing. Most likely alternatives were ... double in lieu of the second pass." (The ... referred to the first pass, and is not really relevant)
The EBU guidance is as follows:
"What should an AC do if the ruling is appealed?
• They may ask the TD for details of any poll he took.
• They could consider their own poll, but this will not usually be practical."
The results of the TD poll, admittedly with an unspecified number of pollees, was stated on the appeal form. The AC decided to hold their own mini-poll of 3 amongst themselves, even though the second bullet point above suggests that the poll should be among others - how would a poll amongst themselves not be practical? - and considered double, 3S and 4C as the only LAs. They regarded North passing the double as 0% (!), and they produced the following, a contrived 0.6 IMPs to E/W and added a PP for North-South, even though the TD poll indicated that pass and double were the only LAs, and it was unclear whether there was a logical alternative to pass. I think double clearly is, although the poll view was favourable to South. The AC final weighting was:
20% of Four Spades making
40% of Four Spades one off
20% of Five Clubs one off
20% of Four Clubs making
It is not clear how North-South get to 4S or 5C. North has just given in to 3H (she has no UI). Whether that is a good hand evaluation is completely irrelevant.
I think Pass by South is over-ethical, as the other LA of double would have been more successful. Wank sums it up in his usual perfunctory way.
I prefer to give the lawmakers credit for stating things for a reason - barmar