Raising after 1D-1H uncontested Minimum opener
Posted 2011-December-26, 11:10
I understand that sometimes this might depend on honor location; in that case try to check what you would usually do.
a.k.a. Appeal Without Merit
Posted 2011-December-26, 11:18
Posted 2011-December-26, 14:06
Posted 2011-December-26, 14:08
Posted 2011-December-26, 14:26
Posted 2011-December-26, 14:32
Also -it might be more informative to ask on which shapes one would never raise with 3?

"But I don't want to go among mad people," Alice remarked.
"Oh, you can't help that," said the Cat: "we're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad."
"How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice.
"You must be," said the Cat, "or you wouldn't have come here."
Posted 2011-December-26, 16:36
Agree with Jlogic - I reserve the right to break these rules depending on honor location.
Adam - no 4333?

Winner - BBO Challenge bracket #6 - February, 2017.
Posted 2011-December-26, 16:45
Often on the 2353 with a weakish dub
Rarely on a 6 card ♦ unless weak suit and a stiff.
But only within the last year since I have better methods to find out.
Posted 2011-December-26, 19:11
Edited to add: after 1D-1H, opener always has an alternative rebid; after the other 1m-1M sequences, it's much easier for opener to be in a bind. The one time I almost routinely raise on 3 is with one of the 5-4-3-1 patterns that would require a reverse to show the 4-card suit (e.g. 3451 after 1D-1S).
Posted 2011-December-27, 02:29
EDIT: apparently I voted 4=3=4=2 but I thought you meant 2=3=4=4. Basically I'll never raise with a 4 card ♠, so 1 vote less for 4342.
Posted 2011-December-27, 08:08
As I prefer to play weak NT none of the balanced minimums would be an issue.
Posted 2011-December-29, 04:40
However, without 6 diamonds, and without 4 spades, I will always raise hearts on a 3 card suit if I have a void or singleton in the hand (as I always will if I open 1♦), as the shortage with probably immediate ruffs is worth an additional card. But not a low doubleton : the ruff(s) may not materialise.
Posted 2011-December-29, 04:50
Perhaps this is one of the advantages of playing a transfer walsh 1♣ with balanced hands, and an unbalanced (or 6 card) 1♦.
Posted 2011-December-29, 10:50
Playing a weak NT, I'm *much* less likely to raise on 3 - partly because I'm playing 1m K-S style, so the 2M raise is *sound*, and partly because partner is much more likely to have a NMF/CBS call, so I'm much less likely to be in a stupid 1NT contract with 2M being clear.
I guess it also depends on what your partnership agreement is for bidding 1♦-1♥; 1NT-2♥ on "5, < INV".
Posted 2011-December-30, 03:45
awm, on 2011-December-26, 11:10, said:
Usually wouldn't raise ♥ here with only 3. Probably most likely to with 2353 and poor ♠, or perhaps 1354 at MPs, white v red.
As well as honor location, it may also depend on whether partner is a passed hand (so won't go leaping off to 4♥ when 3NT may be better), the scoring (at MPs 2♥ may more often be preferable to 2m), and/or the vulnerability (might opps still enter the auction? - this cuts both ways).
Posted 2011-December-30, 06:07
1. Don't raise without a singleton or void. Especially if you have 6 cards in your minor. Playing the 4-3 fit without ruffs while a 6-2, 5-3 or even 6-3 one is available is not good.
2. If you have a 6 minor is good you're probably better off rebidding. This is especially true if the minor is 7 cards.
3. You need some follow-up tools. There are a lot of issues that have to be cleared up with detailed agreements. Loose unwritten stuff is not going to cut it. If you're not willing to discuss this with pard, just don't raise without 3 cards unless you're PRETTY sure it's the best thing.
Posted 2011-December-30, 07:05
The reason is that this auction is rare if partner is weak. We have stiff spade, partner has max 4. If there is strength balance they would very often interfere already, if they didn't the chances are partner won't pass our 2♣.
More interesting would be raising after 1♠ response where, assuming standard system, I am much more willing to raise with 3 (always 3-4-5-1 shape and often 3-1-(5-4) shape, maybe even 3-1-xxxxxx-3 sometimes).
Posted 2011-December-30, 16:09
- hrothgar
Posted 2012-January-01, 22:44
han, on 2011-December-30, 16:09, said:
Very different. Likewise, with 22(45) in precision, when you open 1D and your partner bids 1H, I believe it is almost always right to bid 1N. However, when partner bids 1S, it is usually right to bid 2m esp if you play reverse flannery responses to 1D.
Posted 2012-January-02, 11:53
(1) The alternative call in both cases is 2♣. But 2♣ is much less likely to be the right contract on 0364 than 1354.
(2) The latter hand is a better dummy for hearts, and I would be more concerned about missing 4♥ here than with 1354.
Can someone explain the reasoning to me here? (I would raise on both hands)
a.k.a. Appeal Without Merit