Notice of Thread/Post Moderation A place where moderators describe action
Posted 2010-February-28, 19:32
Posted 2010-March-10, 21:21

Posted 2010-March-13, 09:03
Posted 2010-March-16, 20:22
Posted 2010-May-28, 08:41
Closed th thread saying that is not the right place to ask, left it there.
Posted 2010-August-04, 22:22
Another post had some words changed (new words are spit and screw) and one word deleted (indicated where it is missing).
Now for a plea, let's calm down a bit. I had a psychotrist tell a group of us today to learn a new phrase... it was "so what". It was to apply to a different situation, but it applies here too.
Some says I am not the biggest card in the deck? So what?
Someone says I made a personal attack of another person? So what?
Someone thinks a certain play is or is not evidence of UI? So what?
In the long run none of this small stuff makes a difference. It really doesn't. But one think we can't have is a lot of "F-bombs" in the forum. Well, maybe in the water cooler or the law forum, I don't moderate those...

Posted 2010-August-06, 06:19
George Carlin
Posted 2010-August-06, 07:44

The former. Sometimes we forget to mention things but we try to avoid that.
Posted 2010-August-06, 11:16
You may have noticed the appearance of ***** in one of more post in that thread as well. We have started using some "nasty word" filters that will change certain words to a group of stars. This is done automatically by the software. Obviously we haven't got all the words in, so bullshit slipped in (whoops there it is again), so I expect some editing of the filtering file.
While I am at it, the real problem with that thread and the earlier thread is that it sinks down to personal attacks, along the lines of "if you don't agree with me you are full of ***** " (see the filters work). It is going that way again. It even has gotten to the point that my characterization that the 6D bid was "reckless" is being heckled. Anytime you pay as much money to play in the Springfield and have team-mates who want to win and you risk an all in bid poker bid like that rather than play bridge, I think reckless is a fine characterization. However, to the point, it seems some attack others in the hope of getting the thread closed. Well, it worked before, and it might work again. But there must be a way to EXPRESS YOUR OPINIONS, without attacking the opinions of others.
Posted 2010-August-06, 13:59
I knew it wouldn't be long before creative use of words would bypass the very weak word filters we have in place. That is the main purpose of that edit. However, I owe author of that post an apology for not editing the post he was responding too earlier. I probably would have responded the same way if it was posted about me instead of him. It is too late now, as the cow is of the barn.
But the personal attack for disagreements is what I was talking about in the post before this one in this thread. I used my example (reckless) to point out how the attacks can start. Of course, it is PERFECTLY withiin the rules to disagree with an opinion (the poster disagreed with my view that it was reckless). No violation. If I had been called stupid for that view, that would be. Some might think I should not have used that example in my post, but I wanted to illustrate that we need to stop personal attacks.
Posted 2010-August-15, 21:32
The post has been moved to a private holding area where others (I mean the owners of BBO -- not general forum members) can decide if I was too hasty in removing it.
FAIR WARNING: Similiar polls on this topic will be grounds to have your account suspended until such a decision is made which says they are ok to post.
This post has been edited by inquiry: 2010-August-15, 22:39
Posted 2010-August-15, 22:36
inquiry, on Aug 15 2010, 07:32 PM, said:
The post has been moved to a private holding area where others (I mean paid BBO members -- nor general forum members) can decide if I was too hasty in removing it.
FAIR WARNING: Similiar polls on this topic will be grounds to have your account suspended until such a decision is made which says they are ok to post.
Paid BBO members - Is there a subscription to BBO that I am unaware of?
Where were you while we were getting high?
Posted 2010-August-15, 22:38
qwery_hi, on Aug 15 2010, 11:36 PM, said:
inquiry, on Aug 15 2010, 07:32 PM, said:
The post has been moved to a private holding area where others (I mean paid BBO members -- nor general forum members) can decide if I was too hasty in removing it.
FAIR WARNING: Similiar polls on this topic will be grounds to have your account suspended until such a decision is made which says they are ok to post.
Paid BBO members - Is there a subscription to BBO that I am unaware of?
No, poor choice of words...
I meant the fellows who own the site... let me change it to "owners"...

Posted 2010-August-16, 07:15
inquiry, on Aug 16 2010, 01:32 PM, said:
The post has been moved to a private holding area where others (I mean the owners of BBO -- not general forum members) can decide if I was too hasty in removing it.
FAIR WARNING: Similiar polls on this topic will be grounds to have your account suspended until such a decision is made which says they are ok to post.
Well I must say, as the offending thread starter, that I'm quite surprised by this action. I made the poll quite clear that I was solely looking at the 85A1 issue which, ironically, was where Justin started the original topic claiming that the laws need to be changed. So many posts are going on about the potential cheating issue, and are seriously confused about the standard of proof required under the laws, where the first point that needs to be resolved is whether it's an adjustment for UI hand.
Fred himself has gone on record saying:
All I was trying to do was examine whether this view on the UI is shared amongst the BBO forum posters.
Anyway, I'll defer to the BBO owners but please don't suspend me. As far as I'm aware this is first time I have ever had a post on any forum (including pinball, health, accounting, cricket and bridge) moderated!
I ♦ bidding the suit below the suit I'm actually showing not to be described as a "transfer" for the benefit of people unfamiliar with the concept of a transfer
Posted 2010-August-21, 13:33
As there was nothing left of the post after editing, the entire post was deleted.
Posted 2010-August-21, 15:46
We do not, however, allow the "attack" of people not here to defend their position (yes, I saw the footnote that it was "ok" to post it with the director, but still, I am going to call this as against the rules).
Posted 2010-August-28, 20:56